Peer Reviewed: Martin, John Levi, James Murphy and Rick Moore. 2018. “Protest Movements and Citizen Discontent: Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party” Sociological Forum 33(3).
Moore, Rick. 2017. “Sardonic Atheists and Silly Evangelicals: The Relationship between Self-Concept and Humor Style.” Qualitative Sociology 40(4):447–65.
Moore, Rick. 2017. “Fast or slow: Sociological Implications of Measuring Dual-process Cognition”Sociological Science 4: 196-223.
Chapters and Essays: Moore, Rick. 2017. “What is the function of religion?” in Religion in Five Minutes, edited by Aaron W. Hughes and Russell T. McCutcheon. Sheffield: Equinox.
Moore, Rick. 2011. "The Genres of Religious Freedom: Creating Discourses on Religion at the State Department." in History, Time, Meaning and Memory: Ideas for the Sociology of Religion, edited by Barbara Denison and John Simpson. Leiden and Boston: Brill. (Full paper appears courtesy of Brill)